***** HOW THIS WORKS *****

Hi, I'm JB. This is an off-shoot of my main blog, Mental Manifestation.

If you have a need:

Set an intention. Then email it to:

jb AT mentalmanifestation DOT com
Subject: Monday Post

Change the AT to @ and the DOT to .

Your intention* will be included in the weekly entry on Manifestation Monday. Your identity will be kept private—only first names and last initials will be displayed or you may request to be named Anonymous.

Readers will see the entry, visualize your preferred outcome, add their energy to it, and let it go.

All you need to do is stand back and watch it manifest.

It's really that easy. :-)

If you are reading and want to help:

Read each entry, visualize the preferred outcome posted in the entry, add some positive energy, and let it go. Experience the peace and joy that comes from knowing someone is manifesting wonderful things, and that what we put out returns to us multiplied.

*Please note: the wording of an intention is very important. If anything in the wording jumps out as a potential block or counter intention, the wording of your intention may be altered slightly to assist the manifestation process—with your permission, of course.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

MM #2

Well, good Monday to you! Here are this week's requests for positive energy....

Hello I am Nirmal Khatri from Dehradun, India

I basically belong to a small village since a few weeks I came across this concept of mental manifestation I read some books and got through some of the websites I was very amazed on learning the concept.

I have also some dreams which I have cherished since early childhood maybe someone heard them.

Since a few days I have been focusing on personal laptop and a bike of my own I hope all who read this blog will manifest for me.

I too agree with the fact that together we can create more than at personal level at least when you are new to the concept It also gives some mental support. I pray for the success for all my fellow friends on the blog and am sure they will see their thoughts coming into reality very soon.


My Mother, who died in 2006, had inherited her Mother's home on 9 acres many years ago. To settle my Mother's estate, the property must be sold. It has been subdivided into three lots to expedite the sales. The middle lot, Lot #2, sold this month. My intention is for the two remaining Lots, #1 and #3, to be sold immediately for very close to our asking prices (as Lot #2 did). Thank you!


See you next Monday! Manifest GREAT THINGS.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

This is an Emergency Manifestation Request

I've received a couple of manifestations for Monday but I wanted to direct you over to my main blog because I have an Emergency Manifestation Request. Time is of the essence. Thank you in advance! See you back here on Monday.

Monday, March 24, 2008

MM #1

Well, good Monday to you! Hope your Easter Weekend was wonderful.

Here are this week's requests for positive energy....

Now that I am giving unconditionally, every day, I want to open up my heart
to receive the full abundance of God!

My business is in the tourist industry—self-guided bicycle tours to Europe. I am completely revamping my business model. This is a huge opportunity for my new product: a completely online version of my services, self-guided, self-service tours, for thousands less than a customized trip. I am writing a new business plan, and am seeking investors, as this new concept requires capital. My intention is to attract investors who see the amazing, long-term potential that I see. I know that investors will show up in my life at just the right time (now)! They may be amongst my friends or acquaintances, they may be right before my very eyes!

Thank you for sending your energy to help me attract this and to help me use my intuition and inspired action in order to ensure the continued success of my business.

Continued energy toward the positive, mutually-beneficial resolution of estate and financial matters in my life!

See you next Monday! Manifest GREAT THINGS.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Manifestation Monday

Well, good Monday to you! Welcome to the very first Manifestation Monday here at Uni-Festation. I'll start by putting out a request for some energy....

Please focus energy on attracting more readers and contributors to this blog! :-) I know there are plenty of us who could benefit from a little extra help in the manifestation department, and that's why this is here. I'm visualizing for a tenfold increase in readership by this time next Monday.

Next, I'd like to request some assistance with a legal/financial matter. I am the co-executrix for my deceased parents' estate (both died in 2006). My sister and I must find a fair compromise so that the estate can be settled. There is a property involved that has been subdivided and is for sale. One of the lots sold last week. I'm asking for energy to move the other two lots ASAP and for us to find that fair compromise. I'm also requesting energy for an immediate and dramatic increase in my financial resources beyond the scope of and separate from the estate.

That's it!

See you next Monday, or earlier if there is news.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Why It Works

Have you ever noticed that the minute you no longer need or want something, it appears?

You've lost your keys. You look high and low. You finally give up, and decide to walk instead—and there they are, in the strangest place.

Or you've been praying to find a great job in your field. You've been interviewing like crazy for months, but nobody's hired you yet. So you give up and take a job at a retail store in the meantime. A week later, your dream job calls and hires you.

Or you're single, lonely, ready to find a mate. It seems like everyone is hooking up except you. One day, you decide you're fine on your own and you shift your focus to work or a beloved hobby. Not long afterwards, someone wonderful walks into your life—the moment you stopped looking for love.

I've been thinking a lot about this topic lately, and about things like Prayer Circles and why they work. The Universe explained it to me as it always does, through example. ;-)

I had a need and I'd been focusing a good deal of positive energy on it. I set a determined intention. But it seemed to be stuck. So I posted an entry on one of my hobby blogs outlining the issue that had my mind in knots, and I asked my readers to put out a little bit of positive energy or prayer to maybe move it along a bit.

The next day, to my utter surprise, it moved.

About a week later, while still pondering this and wondering what it is about multiple energies that makes it work, I received an email from Colin Joss about his new publication, "The Power of Release". Colin, I hope it's all right with you that I've posted a bit of the letter here:

Subject: It's Time You Forgot About Your Dreams

Big house in the country? Forget about it.

Financial independence? Forget about it.

Wonderful family life? Forget about it.

Am I crazy?

Possibly, but that's not the point...

There's a power in forgetting.

It's a power that's brought me anything I've wanted.
I just had to forget about it first.

That's when it hit me.

It's relatively easy to figure out what you don't want, then turn it around to know what you do want. It's doable to learn the language of affirmation and NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), to learn to phrase an intention in the best way possible. One can become "clear" by uncovering counter intentions, limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns and erasing them through a variety of methods (EFT, The Work, Ho'oponopono, and so on).

The tricky part of affirmations and intention-setting is the Allow. Letting go. Having faith, believing to see it, trusting that it is on its way, living through the In-Between Time when nothing seems to be happening and you feel like giving up. It's tricky, because it means you absolutely must forget about obtaining the very thing that you are trying to attract. In "Quantum Success", Sandra Anne Taylor calls this the Law of Paradoxical Intent. Joe Vitale, author of "too many books to mention" including "The Attractor Factor", "The Key" and "Zero Limits", calls it "becoming clear".

If you're like me, forgetting about the thing I most "need" or "want" is like asking the sun not to shine. We are, by nature, attached to our preferred outcome because it directly affects our lives! So my outcome is constantly on my mind, skirting the edges of my thoughts, and generally not allowing itself to be let go. This sets up blocks that prevents the manifestation of the very thing I desire.

But when my energy is combined with the energies of others, it seems to work better. Why? Is it because more people are focusing on it? Well, that's part of it. But I think the key is this:

Outsiders are not attached to the outcome, because it has no direct effect on their lives.

In other words, they have nothing to gain or lose by sending out a little positive energy towards my outcome. So while my energy might be laced with desperation, fear, doubt, or counter intentions, their energy is not! Their energy is pure.

Purity of thought and the absence of limiting beliefs, counter intentions, negative emotions, and other conflicting energy is the key to activating manifestation. This is why Prayer Circles and group energies have such a high success rate.

Today, I had an idea:

What if there were a place where people could post their intentions and have others add their energies to it? Along the lines of a Prayer Circle, but without any religious or denominational attributes. Just a bunch of positive-thinking, like-minded individuals, uniting to help each other out by contributing resources of theirs that they already have in unlimited abundance—their pure, unconflicted, positive energy. It "costs" nothing to give but a few moments of thought.

This blog is the manifestation of that thought. The title Uni-Festation is a combination of the words "unite/unify" and "manifestation": to unify and manifest, uniting our energies to help others manifest their visions.