***** HOW THIS WORKS *****

Hi, I'm JB. This is an off-shoot of my main blog, Mental Manifestation.

If you have a need:

Set an intention. Then email it to:

jb AT mentalmanifestation DOT com
Subject: Monday Post

Change the AT to @ and the DOT to .

Your intention* will be included in the weekly entry on Manifestation Monday. Your identity will be kept private—only first names and last initials will be displayed or you may request to be named Anonymous.

Readers will see the entry, visualize your preferred outcome, add their energy to it, and let it go.

All you need to do is stand back and watch it manifest.

It's really that easy. :-)

If you are reading and want to help:

Read each entry, visualize the preferred outcome posted in the entry, add some positive energy, and let it go. Experience the peace and joy that comes from knowing someone is manifesting wonderful things, and that what we put out returns to us multiplied.

*Please note: the wording of an intention is very important. If anything in the wording jumps out as a potential block or counter intention, the wording of your intention may be altered slightly to assist the manifestation process—with your permission, of course.

Monday, March 24, 2008

MM #1

Well, good Monday to you! Hope your Easter Weekend was wonderful.

Here are this week's requests for positive energy....

Now that I am giving unconditionally, every day, I want to open up my heart
to receive the full abundance of God!

My business is in the tourist industry—self-guided bicycle tours to Europe. I am completely revamping my business model. This is a huge opportunity for my new product: a completely online version of my services, self-guided, self-service tours, for thousands less than a customized trip. I am writing a new business plan, and am seeking investors, as this new concept requires capital. My intention is to attract investors who see the amazing, long-term potential that I see. I know that investors will show up in my life at just the right time (now)! They may be amongst my friends or acquaintances, they may be right before my very eyes!

Thank you for sending your energy to help me attract this and to help me use my intuition and inspired action in order to ensure the continued success of my business.

Continued energy toward the positive, mutually-beneficial resolution of estate and financial matters in my life!

See you next Monday! Manifest GREAT THINGS.

1 comment:

Jennifer Sage said...

Thank you JB!
A beautiful side benefit of this is that when sending out energy for someone else, you might realize that this would be a wonderful benefit for you as well, such as Todd's request for a greater connection with God. Not that you then "take" that affirmation only for yourself instead of projecting it out for the other, but rather you magnify - intensify- the intention, so that it will serve and benefit you both!
Does that make sense?