***** HOW THIS WORKS *****

Hi, I'm JB. This is an off-shoot of my main blog, Mental Manifestation.

If you have a need:

Set an intention. Then email it to:

jb AT mentalmanifestation DOT com
Subject: Monday Post

Change the AT to @ and the DOT to .

Your intention* will be included in the weekly entry on Manifestation Monday. Your identity will be kept private—only first names and last initials will be displayed or you may request to be named Anonymous.

Readers will see the entry, visualize your preferred outcome, add their energy to it, and let it go.

All you need to do is stand back and watch it manifest.

It's really that easy. :-)

If you are reading and want to help:

Read each entry, visualize the preferred outcome posted in the entry, add some positive energy, and let it go. Experience the peace and joy that comes from knowing someone is manifesting wonderful things, and that what we put out returns to us multiplied.

*Please note: the wording of an intention is very important. If anything in the wording jumps out as a potential block or counter intention, the wording of your intention may be altered slightly to assist the manifestation process—with your permission, of course.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Well, good Wednesday to you (I'm a bit behind this week)! Here are this week's requests for positive energy....

Hello all! I need help as my home is in foreclosure and various other things in my life had gone awry before I 'figured it out'. Now, in the interest of re-inventing myself, here is my request:

I have the money to pay my house off in full, pay all my remaining obligations in full, to spend, and to remodel my house. I am experiencing peace and tranquility and rediscovering myself. I am excited about opening this new chapter in my life and now that I have identified the tools that I would like to have, I am happily receiving them.

Thank you all,

I would like to personally thank everyone who lent their energies to the successful sales of the properties that I had for sale. As of August, the most troublesome property is SOLD, and my mother's estate is now closed. The other property is about to be relisted, so I am intending that:

I have the very best realtor for my situation; the house is SOLD for FMV (Fair Market Value) or better in the as-is condition; and the sale is closed within 30 days of re-listing the property.

Thank you so much for your assistance with this intention! Be blessed.


(As an aside, because I hold equity in the home, FMV is plenty to allow the mortgage to be paid in full, to pay all closing costs, and leave a healthy profit for me to use for my future plans.)

That's it!

See you next time! Manifest GREAT THINGS.

Monday, July 20, 2009

MM #12

Well, good Monday to you! Here are this week's requests for positive energy....

I intend for an increase in Manifestation requests through Uni-Festation.

Please join your energies with mine to manifest that for which I intend:
  • A positive, dramatic and immediate increase in my income
  • Full restoration of the insurance policies in the best possible way, unchanged from the original or changed for the better
  • Being hired into the best of the jobs for which I've applied
  • The immediate, profitable, and smooth sale of the farmhouse
Thank you, for the highest good of all concerned, in the most beneficial and least harmful way.


That's it!

See you next Monday! Manifest GREAT THINGS.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

MM #11 Belated

I'm a day late, but here are this week's requests for positive energy....

I am requesting energy towards the manifestation of 8.5 million dollars. Thank you!

Suzanne M

For the good of all concerned, I am requesting energy towards the manifestation of the perfect buyers with the perfect offers (close to the asking price) for both of the houses that are for sale, and that the offers are known to me by 5 PM Friday EST January 30, 2009. This or something better...


That's it!

See you next Monday! Manifest GREAT THINGS.